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Yule Stay Crafty This Year

Writer's picture: Opal LunaOpal Luna

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

Happy Yule Everyone!

Even though Florida is green and sunny this time of year, there are still some aspects of the season that are universally true. One of them is the special feeling you get making gifts for friends and family.

How many of us remember making hand prints and ornaments and taking them home to our parents when we were in grade school? And when we become parents, we ooh and aww over the same handmade trinkets when our children make them for us and bring them home. Even a simply made child's gift can be as valuable as gold and diamonds when made in innocence and love.

I had a similar experience two years ago when Alba first taught me the art of Fiber Magick. My "transformative" fiber magick was still out of my conscious control but I really wanted to make my mom a scarf for Christmas. Should be easy, right? Just a few rows all in a straight line and back and forth until I had something rectangular and scarf-shaped.

My mom unwrapped a crocheted Christmas Tree that year. It has a place of honor among the other Christmas decorations, near the authentic wooden German carousel and family photos.

So if you find yourself searching for that perfect last minute Christmas or Yule gift this year, don't think you need to stress yourself out in the holiday rush. Face it, the stores are bustling and people there are having a hard time feeling the holiday cheer. Instead, stay crafty. It might be one of the best gifts you'll ever give...both to yourself and others.

If you need some quick ideas you can flip through the pages of Fiber Magick by Opal Luna. There's plenty of simple gift ideas tucked in among its pages. And if all else fails...just crochet a cone, put a star on top, and call it a Christmas Tree. Your mom will love it.

Blessed Yule,


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