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Natural Magick

Writer's picture: Opal LunaOpal Luna

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

Natural Magick

The concept of Anima Mundi is ancient and multifaceted, echoed across various philosophies from Plato to Carl Jung. It posits a world soul—an ethereal spirit nestled within nature, tasked with sustaining life's flow. This ineffable essence binds us to everything in the world and to the world itself.

The 7th principle of Unitarian Universalism is "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part." Pagans might refer to this as spirit, vibration, or energy work. Whatever the term, this essence is crucial to Magick. The deeper our comprehension of how this energy flows through Nature's facets, the more we connect with our surroundings. We'll align better with Gaia's domain and draw in positive energies. Sounds groovy, doesn't it?

In practicing Magick, we are the paramount tool at our disposal. A craftsman's skill is limited by their tools, hence our energy takes precedence. It's important to take a moment to open the circle and ground oneself.

Natural Magick encompasses various aspects, including the energy found in elements, plants, and animals. Let's delve into the energies present in inanimate objects, which, though perceived as lifeless by many, are considered vibrant and influential in witchcraft, possessing the power to cause and effect.

Colors and stones:

Red symbolizes 'I am' and is associated with the Root Chakra. Red Jasper is known for creating and balancing dynamic energy.

Orange represents 'I Do' and corresponds to the Sacral Chakra. Red Agate harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit.

Carnelian crystals are beneficial when feeling demotivated, as they can enhance willpower, self-confidence, and encourage positive life decisions.

Yellow, expressing 'I Feel', is linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Yellow Aventurine is known for balancing Yin and Yang and fostering creative energies.

Green, denoting 'I Love', is connected to the Heart Chakra. Green Aventurine acts as a comforter and heart healer.

Rose Quartz, brimming with healing and restorative energy, is a soul-soothing stone that promotes restoration and illumination, encouraging love-led leadership and compassion towards oneself and others.

Blue, signifying 'I Speak', is tied to the Throat Chakra. Lapis Lazuli is esteemed for mental stability.

Sodalite, also called the Poet's Stone or Writer's Stone, aids in articulating thoughts clearly and boosting creativity.

Purple, indicating 'I See', relates to the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst is revered for its stress-relieving properties and its ability to dispel anger and fear.

White/Lavender, meaning 'I Understand', is associated with the Crown Chakra. Clear Quartz is celebrated as a powerful amplifier.

Selenite and Moonstone are also known to enhance clarity and psychic abilities.

Colors and rocks can indeed be incorporated into yoga practices to balance chakras, and similarly, these energies can be utilized in Natural Magick Spell work.

Spell work:

A coffee filter serves as an ideal spell bag; it's biodegradable, can be buried or burned, and holds a substantial amount. It might even contain coffee grounds from your morning brew. Coffee energizes and clarifies magically. Using coffee grounds as fertilizer adds organic material to the soil, enhancing drainage, water retention, and aeration. This supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms and attracts earthworms.

Discussing the spirit of plants, we recognize their significant role in witchcraft, with entire practices centered around specific plants, each favored by different deities. For instance, Minerva favors the Geranium, allowing its scent to serve as a conduit for connection.

Historically, plants have been harnessed for their healing, nourishing, and poisonous properties.

When working with plant spirits, caution is essential. Consult a reliable guidebook for foraging and only purchase culinary grade herbs for ingestion.

To truly honor the spirit of plants, one must understand their properties and uses, including their historical and traditional applications. Ensuring that they are harvested sustainably and with reciprocity is part of this respect. Consider white sage and palo santo; the Witch’s Rede states, "As it harm none, do as you will," so you may burn sage and palo santo. It's not illegal, but to truly respect these plants' spirits, choose to purchase from a reputable Native business and use them responsibly. This is smoke cleansing, not smudging.

Set your intention:

Select a crayon color, write a word or two, remove vowels and repeated letters, then overlay the remaining letters.

Sprinkle with coffee.

Select a stone chip and place it in the center.

My Holy Trinity – Cinnamon, Rosemary, Mugwort:

All three protect and heal. Cinnamon attracts wealth, Rosemary promotes health, and Mugwort enhances psychic abilities. With these three herbs, I can achieve much. I have bonded with them, they are readily available to me, and their use harms none and shows respect to other cultures. What more is needed?

Perhaps a touch of Lavender for tranquility.

Add the Herbs:

Cinnamon – "I invoke the spirit of cinnamon to manifest my desire abundantly."

Rosemary – "I invoke the spirit of rosemary to manifest my desire in a healthy manner."

Mugwort – "I invoke the spirit of mugwort to manifest my desire in a way that is clear and understandable."

Lavender – "I invoke the spirit of lavender to manifest my desire calmly, with gratitude and love."

Twist the filter into a pouch – Visualize all the ingredients uniting to form a single spirit, synergistically working together.

Herb – Rosemary

Stone – Clear Quartz

Citrus – Lemon

Scent – Frankincense

Poison – Tobacco

Oil – Olive Oil

Tea – Black Tea

Candle – White Candle

Flower – Rose Petals

Salt – Table Salt

Fruit – Apple

Incense – Naga Champa

Imagine a world enhanced if every human recognized the spirit within the so-called inanimate objects sharing our planet. Working with Nature is a delight. May you find methods to incorporate Natural Magick into your practices.

Stay Crafty, Opal

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