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Beltane Blessings

Writer's picture: Opal LunaOpal Luna

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

Have you ever experienced a sabbat that hit harder than usual?

This Beltane was one of those for me. Not since Samhain of 2016 when every dead relative came to call have I had such an impactful holiday. It was so huge it had to span 2 weekends.

It started with a trip up to Silver Springs Florida for Florida Pagan Gathering. (FPG)

The weather was perfect if you could forgive the blustery winds. I only cursed them as they were blowing away my crochet pattern that I was trying to follow not when they cooled my skin as the Sun did its thing. We camped behind our vending tent and vend we did oh yes. The trip paid for itself plus groceries.

Now let's talk about the most important part of attending festival. The people. It had been 3 years since Karl and I attended a gathering and we were ready for hugs! I believe everyone there was of the same mind because the leadership thanked us all at the end for peacefully cohabitating for 5 days without incident. May we forever keep that appreciation

of gathering.

A true highlight for me was a reading I got from my friend Serendipity Wyrd. I highly recommend you investigate all their magicks. Wyrd Sanctuary - Home

They have this reading called Inner Child's Play where you go back and ask "child you" and "teenage you" what they expected to happen. Well I'll be a paisley poppet if it didn't teach me a thing or two about "All's well that ends well". I shared the revelation with my husband and a good friend and they were surprised to see how they could spin their experiences as well. I hope you have the opportunity to contact Serendipity. You won't be disappointed.

This past weekend The Grove held Beltane at the Ouroboros Lounge in West Palm Beach, Florida. Ouroboros Lounge | Facebook The lounge is a LGBTQ+ and Pagan safe space where something is happening just about every night.

We got to reconnect with folx we had met there when I did my Magickal Knots class for the Coffee Coven as well as a couple we had met at FPG. Whee! The pagan community can be a small world so Be Kind. Lol

Karl made us a Maypole out of birch branches that was 12 feet tall. He had to sit on that bucket to hold it steady when the crowd started dancing. The main ritual is available on The Grove You Tube channel.

So, after all of that goodness I had to just rest in gratitude all day yesterday (actual May Day) and share it all with you today. How did you spend your Beltane?

Blessed Be!

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Membro desconhecido
02 de mai. de 2022

Leading that Beltane ritual with my BF Baldur was just amazing the energy was sparkling, wasn't it? I am going to get it published tonight just need the video off Otsana's phone.


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