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Opal Luna
Jul 2, 2020
The Origin of Fiber Magick
Although crocheting is obviously my passion, I realize that it is not for everyone and you may not feel the same way about it as I do....

Opal Luna
Apr 19, 2020
African Flower Motif
The African Flower motif is made in the granny square st yle but with at least five sides. A floral pentagram if you will that allows you...

Opal Luna
May 17, 2019
Hurricane Protection Ritual 2019
Hurricanes spin widdershins They banish the dead and dying stuff Blow away all negativity But limbs and leaves are quite enough My home...

Opal Luna
Feb 9, 2019
Loving Yourself First
February means Valentine's day or at least that's what the greeting card companies would like you to believe. It always comes to mixed...

Opal Luna
Jan 17, 2019
Rags to Riches
From Rags to Riches, the woman understood the worth of objects. She was not one to hastily throw things away, especially material items....

Opal Luna
Jan 13, 2019
Super Blood Wolf Moon
We are all looking forward to the full moon drumming this month when we will be treated to a total lunar eclipse overnight. Earth's...

Opal Luna
Dec 30, 2018
Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose
I woke up this morning with a wonderful idea. It will be a boon to all involved. It is also just a wee bit sneaky on my part but I'm sure...

Opal Luna
Dec 21, 2018
Yule Stay Crafty This Year
Happy Yule Everyone! Even though Florida is green and sunny this time of year, there are still some aspects of the season that are...

Opal Luna
Dec 8, 2018
Wheel of the Year
Holly and Oak Kings Do Battle On the Solstice's eve, how shall we endure? Through winter's deep darkness, hope flickers, pure. Our...

Opal Luna
Nov 23, 2018
Mind, Body, and Spirit
I've had the privilege of sharing my Reiki healing with several members of our community. I've been invited to teach once more, but this...

Opal Luna
Nov 3, 2018
What I Believe
I have always felt a strong connection to the earth below my feet. Never had any desire for heaven to make me feel complete. No wish to...

Opal Luna
Oct 27, 2018
Pasta Fazool
Once upon a time, not too long ago, in the country of your choice, there lived a woman who took care of people. She enjoyed a strong...

Opal Luna
Oct 22, 2018
The Tree of Life (if all else fails)
My yoga practice is for my mind as much as my body. I look forward to the rest periods between each pose as a chance to gather my...

Opal Luna
Oct 15, 2018
Networking the Craft
Each vending opportunity begins with the vision of profit, naturally. My goal is to thrive and turn this endeavor into an exciting...

Opal Luna
Oct 7, 2018
Making Christmas
Once Upon A Time... The Pumpkin King found no joy in Halloween He was so bored with the same old thing He walked with his dog all night...

Opal Luna
Sep 30, 2018
The Yin and Yang of it
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang are concepts that describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may be complementary,...

Opal Luna
Sep 23, 2018
The Evolution of the Emotional Support Poppet
The Emotional Support Poppet, or ESP for short, began as a diminutive figure, standing just 6 to 8 inches tall. Initially conceived to...

Opal Luna
Sep 9, 2018
Finger Knitting, Ragnarok, and this weeks Viking Adventures
You can feel the excitement in the air as plans are being made for this coming Saturday (9/15/18). Clan Fara is hosting a Viking Village...

Opal Luna
Sep 2, 2018
Fiber Magick Saves the World and other workshops
I spent some time yesterday working on my Fiber Magick workshops. I now have 3 on the books. Only one has been test-driven but the...

Opal Luna
Aug 26, 2018
A Fascination with Mermaids
The Mermaid's Tale Be woeful, sweet She has a tail Instead of feet When other fish Are far too slow She can't tap her foot To make them...
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